

Your stress-free guide to 301 redirects

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February 1, 2023
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301 redirects help to maintain your website integrity. In this blog post, we'll focus on 301 redirects, their impact on rankings, different types of 30X redirects, and best practices to help you better approach redirects with confidence.

Understanding 301 redirects

In technical SEO, a 301 redirect is a permanent redirect status code that indicates to search engines that a webpage or URL has permanently moved to a new location.

This redirect type automatically re-routes users and search engines from the old URL to the new one. Doing this ensures a smooth transition for both visitors and web crawlers.

Implementing 301 redirects correctly is essential to preserve the SEO value of the original page and transfer it to the new location. When search engines encounter a 301 redirect, they transfer the majority of the link equity, authority, and ranking signals from the old URL to the new one. This helps to ensure that the new page inherits the search engine rankings and organic traffic previously associated with the old page.

Types of 30X redirects (302, 307, 308)

In addition to the 301 redirect, there are other redirect codes that are weighted into your website audit and performance scores.

The 302 found

This is a temporary redirect which notes that the URL has temporarily moved. Keep in mind though, over time, search engines may treat 302 redirects as 301 if they continue to persist.

The 307 temporary redirect

Like the 302, a 307 also notes a temporary move but explicitly indicates that the original URL should be requested again in future requests.

The 308 permanent redirect

Introduced as an alt to 301 redirects, a 308 shows a permanent move and instructs search engines to update their indexes accordingly.

Best practices for 301 redirects

Consider the following best practices as you manage your 301 redirects:

Plan your redirects in advance

Before making any changes to your website's URL structure or migrating to a new domain, create a comprehensive redirect plan to map old URLs to their corresponding new URLs.

Implement one-to-one redirects

For each old URL, implement a one-to-one redirect to the most relevant corresponding new URL. Avoid redirecting multiple old URLs to a single new URL, as this can create confusion and dilute SEO value.

Use server-side redirects

Implement 301 redirects at the server level using server configuration files or redirect rules. This ensures that the redirect occurs before any content is loaded, optimizing server performance and user experience.

Update internal links

Alongside implementing redirects, update internal links across your website to point to the new URLs. This helps search engines and users discover the new pages efficiently.

Inform external sources

Notify external websites, backlink providers, and relevant directories of the URL changes to update their references and ensure a seamless transition for incoming traffic.

Common FAQs about 301 redirects

Q1: How long does it take for search engines to recognize and pass SEO value through 301 redirects?

A: While search engines process redirects fairly quickly, it may take some time for the new URL to regain its previous rankings. Patience is key, and regularly monitoring performance can help track progress.

Q2: Can I implement 301 redirects for expired content or pages with low traffic?

A: Yes, implementing 301 redirects for expired or low-traffic pages is a good practice. It ensures that users and search engines are directed to relevant and updated content, preventing them from encountering dead or irrelevant pages.

Q3: Are there any negative impacts or risks associated with 301 redirects?

A: While 301 redirects are generally safe and beneficial, improper implementation can have negative consequences. It is essential to ensure correct mapping, maintain relevant content on the new page, and avoid excessive redirect chains or loops that could confuse search engines and disrupt user experience.

Q4: Can I remove 301 redirects once they are in place?

A: Once implemented, it is generally advisable to keep 301 redirects in place indefinitely. Removing redirects abruptly can lead to broken links, loss of SEO value, and negative user experiences. Only remove redirects if they are no longer necessary or if you have a specific reason to do so, ensuring appropriate measures are taken to avoid negative impacts.

Segment can help manage your 301 redirects

As an SEO agency, we can assist you in managing 301 redirects. We run technical SEO audits of your website's URLs to identify redirects and other gaps found on your site and even servers.

We're ready to help your website develop a redirect strategy to reinforce proper mapping from old URLs to new ones, all while preserving your SEO equity. Our experts will implement and monitor your redirects, regularly analyze their performance, and make adjustments as needed to optimize user experience for humans and crawlers.

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